According to quantum physics, if time travel is possible then parallel universes are possible. Quantum physicist have come up with a "multi worlds" hypothesis.
It goes something like this:
1) Today I make a choice that affects who I am for the rest of my life. Say perhaps I choose to accept a job offer. As a result I meet certain people, develop certain relationships, maybe even marry a certain person. My life takes a certain path based upon one decision. This could be thought of as a fork in the road. Whether I eat lasagna for dinner tonight is not really such a big decision.
2) Perhaps I go back in time ten years from now, or perhaps my son goes back in time and convinces me not to take the job. From that point onwards in my life a different path is taken. When my son returns to his time, nothing will have changed there though, I would still have chosen the same job, and he would still have been born. BUT- a new parallel universe is created where I take a different job, meet different people, maybe even marry a different person, or perhaps still end up marrying the same person.
Some argue that there are an infinite number of parallel universes. I don't quite agree with this. In quantum physics there are an infinite number of possibilities until an observation is made, with all of those possibilities collapsing back into one resulting reality.
I argue that a parallel universe can only exist IF and when time travel has occurred and IF and when a different decision is made at an important forking point. In such a scenario, if time travel has occurred multiple times, there are multiple parallel universes (based upon different dichotomous decisions), but still not an infinite number.
In the same way that an electron can be in more than one place at the same time (yet not being two electrons and not being two halves of one electron; --> see the
"double slit experiment"), a person in two or more different parallel universes is the
same person not different people. This means that even if there are multiple versions of the same person, ultimately they are still one person. In my opinion this person would be the one person before God.
In fact if one such version of a person tried to jump across from one parallel universe to the next the very act of observation would collapse the other parallel universe that person left behind, making the new parallel universe the reality.
This image goes some way to explaining the various paths a person can take. Many different choices can be made, but the more that are made the thicker the bunch of lines together will be, until there is just one thicker bunch of lines, one over all uniting identity and reality for a person.
I had previously thought I did not believe in parallel universes. My logic went something like this:
1) Apparently there are an infinite number of parallel universes.
2) If that is the case then there would have to be one where Jesus chose not to go to the cross.
3) This possibility could not be so, Jesus would not have done such a thing.
4) Therefore there can not be parallel universes.
Now I think differently:
1) There can be parallel universes, but each of them exist as a result of time travel.
2) There are not an infinite number, but only as many as have been spawned my time traveling choices.
3) Each of these parallel universes still collapse into the one, just as the electron collapses into one upon observation in the double slit experiment.
If you are interested in the double split experiment watch here: